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Why is Dryer Duct Cleaning Important?

It's easy for homeowners to buy appliances and forget about them until they go wrong.

They might want to reconsider their dryer. To make a dryer work properly, the dryer ducts must be cleaned regularly.

Here are three reasons to ensure dryer duct cleaning is done before another load goes in the dryer.

Lint doesn't stay in the basket.

Every dryer comes with a lint bag. The dryer lint basket must be emptied approximately every 1 to 3 uses, depending on the drying process.

When drying towels, blankets, cat/dog beds, etc. empty the lint basket every time.

Without the lint basket, lint would go directly into the ducts where they could become clogged.

Although lint traps can work well, they are not foolproof. These are some of the possible outcomes:

  • Each load contains some lint, which naturally escapes with every load
  • Sometimes, homeowners forget to empty the tank, increasing the lint that escapes.
  • The homeowner might drop a few lint pieces into the duct as they pull the lint trap from the duct.

All this lint builds up in the vent.

Fire Risk

Anyone who has ever used a dryer knows the intense heat when taking clothes out.

The dryer's heat is released through the duct. Overheating any appliance can lead to a fire.

FEMA reports 2900 dryers set fire every year. They are often not contained to the laundry area. These fires can quickly spread throughout the home, including to the kitchen and surrounding rooms. Each year, dry fires cause $35,000,000 in damage.

FEMA states that dryer ducting failure is the number one cause of fires.

It is recommended that dryer duct cleaning be performed at least once every six months. If there is significant lint in the dryer duct, it should be done more frequently.

It affects the Earth as well as the wallet.

Dryer ducts that are blocked can cause significant damage to your dryer.

A dryer with clean ducts:

  • Drying clothes takes less time
  • Uses less electricity
  • Reduces environmental impact
  • Reduces the strain on your dryer

Dryer duct cleaning is very cost-effective.

A homeowner can save around 30% on electricity for a load that takes 30 minutes, compared to a load that takes 45 minutes. A homeowner who dries just one load per day can make significant savings.

We leave less of an impact on the environment if we use less electricity.

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March 11, 2022
It is common to throw your clothes in the dryer after washing them. This chore is often overlooked. We often forget that dryers are household appliances and can catch fire if they are not maintained properly. The US Fire Administration has three facts that everyone should know about dryers, household fires, and smoke alarms. Dryers are responsible for 1.2,900 home fires each year, resulting in 100 deaths and more than 35 million dollars in property damage. Failure to maintain or clean the dryer properly is the main cause of the fire. Drier fires are more common in the winter months, peaking in January. We are rapidly approaching winter. Before you put your clothes in the dryer, it is important to clean and maintain your dryer. Here are some ways to reduce the chances of your dryer catching fire. Clean your lint screen before every drying cycle. Use a vacuum often to reach areas where your fingers cannot reach. Check the vent hose. Check that the vent hose is not broken and that all connections are correct. Remove any white plastic hoses immediately. It would be best if you used an aluminum hose. Clean the vent hose and vent line with your hands using a vacuum. It is best to remove all clothing and flammable materials around your dryer. You can stop fire flames from spreading quickly. Ensure that the gas line is intact if you have a gas dryer. Do not use your dryer if you smell gas. You can avoid household fires by following the steps above. Keep you and your family safe. And always remember to have a professional dryer vent cleaning at least once a year
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